Thursday, 7 August 2014

Why Would God Let this Happen? By Ohura

Why Would God Let this Happen? By Ohura

Ask Ohura

Dear Ohura,

To Leave the Past and Move on to the Future it’s easier said than done sometimes…… as I lost my best friend the love of my life: my soul mate Linda to cancer July 3rd 2012 and for me life is not the same as they think about the what ifs and if their is a god I don’t understand….. there is so many evil people in the world why couldn’t they take them ?

just sayin…

Dan from WI

Dan I am so Sorry For You’re Loss. The agony you must be in.  I don’t pretend to know all of the answers. But I’ve made pretty much every mistake. What I can tell you is what not to do….. I shut myself off from everyone I loved. Don’t do that!!! Closing myself off was the biggest mistake of my life.   But I didn’t want to care about anyone…… why to loose them?  I was SO ANGRY!!!

I Felt Guilty Horribly Guilty!!!
I know about Cancer I’ve Been on All sides of it!
I don’t wish Cancer on anyone………it consumes you…………..eats you from the inside out! It’s a Cowardly Disease hiding letting you think you’ve won then NOPE It’s Your Time To Die! BOOM JUST LIKE THAT!
When I was 17 I met a Boy he was sooooooooooooooooooooooo cute! Fell in love with him the second our eyes met. We never were apart from the day we met………we we perfect for each other…….. completed each other!
He was My First Real True Love The Easyrider He even had his 68 BSA Triumph Modified and Chopped….Because I always wore mini skirts, dresses and Spikes back then …… didn’t own a pair of pants….. He thought a chopper would be easier to get onto. God I loved that Motorcycle ………. I Loved Him!!!!!!!!!!! More than Life!!!!!! Read More 

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